Paulding County Football


2025 Registration Opens March 1

High School

$500 Registration fee (Non Refundable). 

  • Split payment option available. You have the opportunity to split your fee into four (4) payments of $125. Simply select the payment plan option on the registration form. 
  • Current Physical
  • All Rank One Forms must be completed
  • Please Note: Sibling discounts are handled only at in-person signups.

Volunteering will be highly encouraged. We will need someone to help with the concession stand, collect gate fees, chain crew ect. It is imperative that each parent help volunteer their time to make this program run smoothly. Fundraising will also be required.

Middle School

Middle School:

The following requirements are needed to complete the middle school registration.

  • $350 Registration fee (Non Refundable)
  • Split payment option available. You have the opportunity to split your fee into four (4) payments of $87.50. Simply select the payment plan option on the registration form.
  • Copy of the player’s birth certificate
  • Current physical
  • Sign GMSAA Concussion Awareness Form
  • Sign GMSAA Waiver Form
  • Copy of a current utility bill
  • $250 Equipment Deposit Check (Returned at the end of season once equipment is returned)
  • You must live in the PCHS district, pay your registration fee, and return all of the above listed items to participate in the PCHS Feeder Program. 
  • Please Note: Sibling discounts are handled only at in-person signups.


PCHS will provide the following:

Helmet, Shoulder Pads, Practice Jersey, Game Jersey, 1 Mouthpiece

Each player will be responsible for the following:

White Padded Pants, Chin Strap, Rubber Cleats, Extra or Specialty Mouthpiece

Yes, you may use your own helmet and shoulder pads.  Helmet must be WHITE  in color and fitted properly.  PCHS has right to deny a personal helmet if it is not the correct color or does not meet safety standards.

We will practice 3 nights a week, weather permitting, on the main stadium field.  Monday, Tuesday & Thursday 6:30-8:30pm Alternate location will need to be determined when JV has any home games on Thursday.

Volunteering will be highly encouraged. We will need someone to help with the concession stand, collect gate fees, chain crew ect. It is imperative that each parent help volunteer their time to make this program run smoothly. Fundraising will also be required.

Any questions contact Junior Patriots Football Director Jon Wells at 678-858-0921 or

Youth (K-5)

The 2025 youth football registration will open March 1st. The youth football registration is hosted on the Cobb Football League website. Fees amounts are created by the league.

*Registration fee is non-refundable*